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All-hands Meeting for the NSF RII Award

The Louisiana Cyberinfrastructure and Science Drivers Symposium took place on Friday, August 22, 2008 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The symposium included presentations from RII project participants, CyberTools WorkPackages demonstrations, and a graduate student poster competition. The meeting was attended by approximately 110 individuals, including the project's five External Review Board members. The graduate student poster competition was comprised of 37 posters and three prizes were given away: first place - Mehnaaz Ali (TUHSC) and Amit Jain (TU) for their poster entitled "Coupling Antibody Binding to Enzyme Activation in Miniaturized Immunosensor Devices"; second place - Thomas Dufaud (LSU) for his poster entitled "Hybrid Coupled Continuum-Molecular Dynamics Simulation Tool for the CFDToolkit"; and third place - Esma Yildirim (LSU) and Dengpan Yin (LSU) for their poster entitled "Predicting Optimal Level of Parallelism in wide Area Data Transfers." Three of the LONI Institute computational scientists attended the meeting as well. You can download some of the presentations given during the meeting. Below are some pictures taken during the meeting.

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